Golden Grains Liquid Fertilizer was specifically formulated to meet the absolute nutritional requirements of plants for it's proper growth and development to attain its maximum production by reducing 35% of the traditional fertilizer and chemicals used.

1 Table Spoon ------------------->
1 Liter of water
4 - 5 Table Spoon --------------->
1 Gallon of water
10 - 15 Days interval of spraying

Applicable for all kinds of fruit, flower, vegetable and grains.

  • Made to help combat fungal diseases of plant.
  • Enhance quality fruits for better income with less expenses.
  • It has sticker, insect repellant, antibiotic, fungicide and growth hormone.


Nitrogen ..................................... 19%
P2O5 ........................................... 3.3%
K2O ............................................. 3.6%
CaO ............................................ 0.24%
MgO ............................................ 0.26%
Sulfur .......................................... 0.21%

Cu, Fe, Mo, Co, Cl, Zn, & B