Calcic Lime (limestone) is a product of the calcinations of a rock composted by a large amount of calcium carbonate. Calcic lime is used when large amount of calcium needed to increase the soil pH and the nutritional factors associated with soil acidity.

50-80 bags/year/hectare
Note: Depends on the soil analysis


  • It is used as fertilizer and soil enricher.
  • Use to clean stables and cellars and reduces the occurance of bacteria
  • Freed up soil nutrients for plants use and also entering into symbiotic relationship with plant root system.
  • Act as antagonistic organism against plant pathogens.

  • Increases microbial activity
  • Accelerates soil's decay system
  • Reduces certain acid-loving weeds
  • Acts as natural irritants to insects
  • Offsets acid from plants, N fertilizer, rain and microbial species.

Calcic Lime/Calcite/Limestone

CaCO3 ....................................... 39% Calcium